Ear Surgery
Prominent ears can be a big issue – especially when children are affected. Teasing from other children can be very devastating. The good news is that prominent ears can be dramatically improved with corrective ear surgery (otoplasty). Otoplasty surgery can have a dramatic and positive effect on a patient’s perception of their appearance. Children and adults alike who once used to style their hair to hide their prominent ears are often liberated to wear their hair the way they want – no longer concerned about what people might think or say about their formerly protruding ears!
Our skilled plastic surgeon, Dr. Max Lehfeldt, trained under the direction of Dr. John Reinisch while at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) – a world-renowned corrective ear surgeon. Dr. Lehfeldt significantly benefited from this experience and has honed his own techniques for otoplasty surgery. Correction of prominent ears is a quick outpatient surgical procedure that involves removing or shaving ear cartilage along with specialized sutures to help hold the new “set-back” ear position.
Recovery is relatively easy and quick – about a week – but patients need to be careful during the early phases of healing to protect Dr. Lehfeldt’s delicate work. Children and even adults may need to sleep with a headband for several weeks and sports requiring the use of helmets may need to be postponed for up to six weeks post-operatively.

stick out or are overly large can be helped by ear surgery.

Please come see if otoplasty is right for you or your child; call 888.96.DR.MAX (888.963.7629) or email.