Fractional CO2 Laser Treatments
Fractional CO2 Therapy with DEKA SmartXide DOT CO2 Laser offers the ultimate in skin rejuvenation!
Ideal for treatment of:
- Sun Damage
- Brown Spots
- Fine Lines and Wrinkles – especially Lip Lines!
- Skin Laxity
- Acne Scars
Fractional CO2 is the perfect balance of skin resurfacing that provides results and fast recovery with less downtime. Bridges of skin are preserved and can accelerate the healing and recovery process while adjacent skin is removed, stimulating new skin production and collagen.
Neck and chest skin can also be resurfaced with the state-of-the-art DEKA DOT fractional CO2 Laser.
Mummy lip lines can be SCARY! But fear NOT! Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing can also treat this! The results are amazing and last for YEARS! ONE treatment, lasting results? Who wouldn’t like that??? Who is a candidate? Just about anyone with lip and facial lines is a candidate. CO2 resurfacing may not be appropriate for darker skin types. The CO2 laser provides a gentle burn to the surface of the skin to stimulate new collagen production that is very lasting and effective. The color, texture, pore size, and fine/deep wrinkles are smoothed out and improved. The face, eyelids, neck, chest can all be treated. It can even help reduce some pre-cancerous skin lesions and sun damage. You should consider this if you are bothered by pesky lip lines. CO2 resurfacing is much more cost effective than trying to inject each little lip line with fillers – fillers can’t compare! This treatment took about 15 minutes in the office. It’s not a big deal at all and NOTHING works better.
Depending on the treated area, CO2 laser resurfacing may require 3-5 days of downtime followed by several weeks of skin redness. CO2 resurfacing is an extremely safe and effective treatment to rejuvenate and reverse years of sun damage!
Patient Results

Safe, little downtime, little or no anesthesia, less than an hour! Make an appointment for a consultation today! Call 888.96.DR.MAX (888.963.7629) or email.